Skywoman calls

Started reading 

Braiding Sweetgrass 

(indigenous wisdom, scientific knowledge and the teachings of plants)

by Robin Wall Kimmerer,

and discovered the story of the Skywoman… 

…just as I am about to come apart in the rain…

Floating or falling,

I ache for you now,

drilling the chill between my ribs

and fishing the fear between raindrops.

I know what it feels like

to take all the blame,

to carry the wrongness and shoulder the shame –

and weep 

until only the water is left,

washing my stories away with the pain

and leaving phantoms in the rain.


capture me…

capture my heart.

Braid me like sequins on torn-billow sky.

A rag doll falls…

The stars all cry…

Skywoman’s dancing our songs in the storm.

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